As a man, a lot is expected of you. Today we will look at the 3 Ps of a man: provide, protect, and prepare.
It’s of the utmost importance for a man to take personal responsibility for these three areas of his life, despite facing the current generation of an ill-informed, confused, and angry society.
Men were once judged only on their physical prowess, and those who fell short were put to death. Nobody could afford to display weakness. Those who did not measure up in terms of physical prowess were decapitated. No man could afford to be frail. Women have traditionally looked up to men because they believe they are stronger and more capable of surviving than they are. From her perspective, he was the key to a fulfilling life.
Our Kidani Mabati men’s 3 P’s are: provide, protect, and prepare..
It is essential, or rather a desired need, for every man to provide a roof for his family that will provide protection from the elements and a conducive environment for his family to prepare to excel in all areas of their lives free from the stresses highlighted above.
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Mauris at bibendum ligula, at bibendum nibh. Curabitur id risus dapibus, iaculis nunc sit amet, facilisis purus. Pellentesque scelerisque rutrum enim.
For the man who desires to accomplish the above, we have the right products for your pocket, lifestyle, and above all, your needs and expectations.
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